what is the best Curtis Mayfield and why you need?


william devaughn Be Thankful For What You Got Curtis Mayfield , with the aid of using Sound Gems Records  Davante shines on cowl model of oldie classic. With the aid of using Sound Gems Records. Sound Gems Records On TIK TOK https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeCVr83H/ and INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/soundgemsrecords/ Dusty Groove America wrote one of the undisputed masterpieces LPs of 70s soul! William De Vaughn may also by no means be remembered for whatever else – and the negative man will continually be wrong for Curtis Mayfield with the aid of using file customers everywhere – however, he genuinely out-Curtis Curtis at the super-dope authentic model of “Be Thankful For What You Got”, one of these righteous soul tunes that everyone knows, all and sundry loves, however, which become recorded with the aid of using an artist that no one can consider. Get this one, and you’ll consider William De Vaughn as a genius for the relaxation of your life – now no longer most effective for the whole 7-minute model of “Be Thankful”, which has an extraordinary conga breakdown with inside the middle, however additionally for different authentic tunes like “Blood is Thicker than Water”, “You Can Do It”, and “Give the Little Man a Great Big Hand”. Very righteous, and with a deep soul groove that becomes infrequently matched with the aid of using different albums of the era!

billyg@playbackmusic.internet The Rights Workshop www.rightsworkshop.com Music supervision & clearance company. Offices in Los Angeles & San Francisco. 514 Victoria Ave. Venice, CA, 90291 310-439-1290. info@rightsworkshop.com The Film Center At The Presidio 39 Mesa Street, Suite 101. San Francisco, CA 94129. 415-561-3333. Radar Music Group www.radarmusicgroup.com Music supervision company primarily based totally in Toronto…Reel Entertainment, LLC www.reelent.com 11684 Ventura Blvd, #134 Studio City, CA 91604. 818-501-1811. info@reelent.com MOON&SUN www.moonandsunmx.com Holly Williamson Production Music & Music Supervision 310-428-0070 holly@moonandsunmx.com Search Party www.searchparty-track.com Music supervision company; predominant workplace in New York. 18 East sixteenth St., 4th Floor New York, NY 10003. 212-807-1456. Silent Bay Entertainment www.silentbay.com P.O. Box 15037 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-464-6260. Syncalicious www.syncaliciousmusic.com Music manager Jennifer Lanchart. Based in Los Angeles jlanchart@gmail.com 35 Sound www.35sound.com Music supervisors G. Marq Roswell, Carter Little, Daniel Lees, P.O. Box 217 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 info@35sound.com Stef Angel Music www.stefangelmusic.com Music management & track supervision. Based in Los Angeles 310-388-5880 info@stefangelmusic.com Songfinder www.songfinderlicensing.com Music supervision & licensing company primarily based totally in Atlanta. 404-437-7978 melissa@songfinderlicensing.com Songrunner Entertainment www.songrunner.com Music manager Mason Cooper. 2828 Cochran St., #369 Simi Valley, CA 93065 818-470-1018. mason@songrunner.com Tramatizer www.tramatizer.com (Neil Trama) Venice, CA 90291 connect@tramatizer.com TLS Music Services www.tlsms.com Music clearance, licensing and supervision. Based in Los Angeles Vidsyn www.vidsyn.com Music supervision company primarily based totally in Los Angeles. Woodwyn Lane Music www.woodwynlane.com Music manager David Sibley, primarily based totally in Los Angeles 818-985-9598. david@woodwynlane.com Dancing Mice Productions www. dancing mice.internet 1234 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY, 14209 716-885-3030 scott@dancingmice.internet The Drop www.musicbythedrop.com Music manager Nick DeMatteo; primarily based totally in Los Angeles. wearethedrop@aol.com Evolution Music Partners www.evolutionmusicpartners.com Represents several, pinnacle track supervisors, primarily based totally in Los Angeles. 1680 Vine St., Suite 500 Hollywood, CA 90028 323-790-0520 info@evolutionmusicpartners.com Format Entertainment www.formatent.com Music supervisors Dave Jordan, Julia Michels, Julianne Jordan, Anastasia Brown, Jojo Villanueva, and Jennifer Ross. Based in Los Angeles Fusion Music Supervision www.fusionmusicsupervision.com Music manager Chris Mollere, primarily based totally in Los Angeles. info@fusionmusicsupervision.com G Sync Music www.gsyncmusic.com Based in New York. info@gsyncmusic.com Go Big! Entertainment www.gobigentertainment.com 8032 W. Third St., 2d Floor Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-655-6520 info@gobigentertainment.com Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency (GSA) www.gsamusic.com Represents track supervisors, composers, songwriters, and producers. 411 W. Alameda Ave., Suite 509. Burbank, CA 91505 818-260-8500. Greenspan Kohan Management www.greenspankohan.com The tracking company of Anita Greenspan and Neil Kohan. 8760 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069 323-650-2602. info@greenspankohan.com Harvest Creative Services www.harvestcreativeservices.com 1011 N. Washington. Lansing, Michigan, 48906 517-887-6555. HD Music Now www.hdmusicnow.com Music supervision & track licensing; primarily base

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