How Does It Feel To Have God Answer Your Prayers?



We often have incessant prayers in our mouths, pleading with God to hear them and shower us with his blessings. In some cases, prayers are heard immediately, while in others, they are heard when the moment is appropriate, but never assume that God is not listening to you. If God does not respond to your request in the way you expect, it implies he wants you to first determine whether you are worthy of it since it is his method of teaching you a lesson so you may become stronger.

After 40 years, Samuel Nisbett’s prayers were answered! Yes, after 40 years, and he is eternally grateful. Although it was difficult at first to maintain faith in God, he realized why God had not answered him sooner after achieving success.

It Takes Patience: Samuel Nisbett

Despite originating from a good family, as a young child,Samuel was abandoned by his parents, and he has been living alone since the age of 12. At such an early age, he was never exposed to the wrong things, nor did he develop a drug-taking habit, but he did go on a journey to discover God. For such a young youngster, believing in God alone was difficult since faith is fading in these times, and even the tiniest inconvenience causes us to doubt God. It was by God’s grace that he was not left alone, as he found friends in the street who were able to help him.It was the Church’s leadership decision that separated him from his family for half of his life, yet he never left him despite the most difficult of struggles. After 40 years of unceasing prayers, his dedication and commitment reunited him with his family. It is admirable that he clung to his prayers for so long and that God eventually answered them.

Samuel’s life is nothing more than a lesson for us to understand that while God may take forever (according to us) to answer our prayers, they are never ignored. It is understandable that while we are struggling, time moves slowly, and we want immediate assistance, but trust God’s plan because one day, when you look back, you will have nothing but constant prayers of appreciation on your lips.

A Positive Perspective on Life

Samuel Nisbett overcame life at such an early age, and he is now prosperous and has everything he has ever desired. He teaches that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that when you leave, you should not give up hope. More importantly, a lack of money and education was never an impediment to him since he was always certain that things would work out in his favor due to God’s blessings, and they always did.

Having a positive view of life may be difficult at first, but it will always work in your favor in the long run. Don’t expect to get acquainted with the things you asked for immediately soon since you lack the ability to recognize that they are not beneficial for you right now. God works in mysterious ways, and you should wait for it.

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